Post your job ads on JOBSMART and reach jobseekers from the entire European labor market! We offer German companies a new way to get in touch with job seekers from across the EU and solve the shortage of suitable unskilled workers in many industries.
Job seekers throughout Europe can use our app to get in touch with smart companies in Germany quickly and easily.
What types of labor are available?
The list is long and covers all areas of employment - from gastronomy & hotel to event & entertainment.
How are applicants checked?
The check is carried out in a two-stage process. First, the assistants assign themselves to a category. In direct contact, you validate their qualifications in a direct exchange.
What costs are associated with its use?
Depending on the duration of the ad, companies incur costs of 395 - 895 euros - a fraction of other recruiting costs.
How quickly can I fill a vacancy?
With JOBSMART, vacancies can be filled within hours.
Is there a way to evaluate the performance of the applicants?
The option is currently limited to the chat - a rating function is on our development roadmap.
JOBSMART connects smart companies from Germany with motivated jobseekers from all over Europe.