
Find Workforce from Abroad

Are you looking for qualified workforce from abroad? Jobsmart is your experienced partner for modern staffing in the EU.
Suche nach ausländischen Arbeitskräften pro Branche

Effective Placement of Foreign Workforce

13.1 million people are looking for a job! We connect you with a wide network of talented workers from various countries. Jobs that require other languages or no German at all are of particular interest to foreign workers from the EU.

And this is how it works

Within a few minutes you can use JOBSMART, post your job ad online throughout Europe and receive inquiries from job seekers via chat.

Pricing Options

You can choose one of our three tariffs, which essentially differ in the duration of your ad and therefore also in the availability of your contact person via chat.
/Job ad
30 days online
  • european wide reach
  • intuitive job placement
  • immediately online EU-wide
  • automatically translated chat
Post a job
/Job ad
90 days online
  • european wide reach
  • intuitive job placement
  • immediately online EU-wide
  • automatically translated chat
Post a job

Do you still have questions?

Ask them in a consultation with our team and find out how you can integrate JOBSMART into your recruiting processes.

FAQ on Foreign Workforce

How do I find foreign workforce?

Jobseekers throughout the EU can use the JOBSMART app to quickly and easily get in touch with smart companies in Germany.

What types of work are there?

The list is long and covers all areas of employment - from gastronomy & hotel to trade & logistics. And much more!

How do you qualify the jobseekers?

The check is carried out in a two-stage process. First, job seekers simply share their experience and interest. In direct contact, the companies validate their qualifications in a direct exchange.

What costs are involved?

Depending on the duration of the advertisement, companies incur costs of between 395 and 895 euros - a fraction of other recruiting costs.

How quickly can I fill a vacancy?

With JOBSMART, vacancies can be filled within hours.

Where can I find out more about recruiting labour from the EU?

We have set up a blog for companies in which you will find many interesting topics relating to the recruitment of labour from the EU.

Hire employees from all of the EU:
Best practices and tips

Learn More About Recruiting Foreign Workforce:

Woman and man holding packages

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